I was reading threads about how to disable ASR but apparently no one has every figured it out yet . Found this recently & decided just now to post it --------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 pin mercedes scanner port X11/4 connector Pin 1 Ground Pin 6 ABS ASR sensor data (appears +12v short current more 50mA) This is the best way to disable ASR only, ABS works normaly. Solder resistor 1k to 2k ohm 1/4w ( not criticalalive ABS) parallel to capacitor 50-200 uF 50v. Connect the soldered part to X11/4, Capacitor + to pin 6 and - lead to pin 1 ground Do not short directly pin 1 and pin 6. Avoid burn out test port in module, Used resistor and high frequency ASR data will be bypassed through Capacitor. Tested more than 6 months, worked perfectly.